March 2019 Meeting Notes
Date: 3/2/19
Meeting Place: Shom Residence
TAF Meeting of March 2019
Meeting convened @5:00PM
Prayers by Moses Kpera
In attendance:
- Tyowua Iyorbo
- Aondongu Tivzenda
- Kukighr Akighr
- Dr. Kanshio Iye
- EA Shom
- Tabitha Mande
- Mrs. Shom
The t-shirts are ready and may be sold for $5.00 to those interested in purchasing a shirt.
Availability of the venue for our fundraising, it will on the July 6th preferably. If not July 6th, 2019, then the 13th of July 2019.
Closing prayers by Moses Kpera